SMU Engage

Social Fabric and Quality of Life

SMU at the Word Cities Summit 2024
Published on 22 July 2024
SMU’s leaders and faculty members showcased the University’s multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary research, thought leadership and entrepreneurship related to cities and sustainability at the World Cities Summit in Singapore. The University also helped to organise the Science of Cities Symposium there to highlight innovation and technology's impact on building resilient, inclusive communities.
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Staff from SMU’s Office of the Registrar with seniors from the Thye Hua Kwan Active Ageing Centre (Bukit Merah View) on an excursion to the S.E.A. Aquarium.
Published on 8 March 2024
Volunteerism is an integral part of SMU’s DNA and staff and students alike actively engage in diverse types of community service. Staff from SMU’s Office of the Registrar found a meaningful way to build bonds with their colleagues last year when they accompanied seniors from an active ageing centre on an excursion.
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SMU held an appreciation dinner to celebrate the contributions of alumni volunteers.
Published on 4 January 2024
On 16 November 2023, the SMU Office of Alumni Relations (OAR) held a gathering to appreciate and celebrate the contributions of SMU’s alumni volunteers – just one of the many ways that the University’s alumni constantly step up to give back to the SMU Community. Giving the welcome address, Ms Florence Neo, director of Alumni Relations, thanked the alumni for their contribution in time, talent, ties, and testimonials to the SMU community.
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Breaking new ground with research into governance and policing.
Published on 30 September 2023
Research remains integral to our creation of sustainable yet liveable cities. Ideas from research can be informative to policymakers and help to change the way we understand societal issues and navigate problems.
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Five SMU undergraduates produced videos in the series "Exploring the Racial Fabric".
Published on 28 August 2023
Singapore is often described as a melting pot of cultures – a vibrant brew that gives the country its unique character. With such diversity comes the need for different ethnic groups with their distinct cultures and religious beliefs to understand, respect each other and live together peacefully. The question then is how can Singapore further strengthen respect for  differences in beliefs and perspectives and live together.
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Project Reef Alerts is an Overseas Community Service Project that focuses on marine conservation and contributes to SMU’s sustainability efforts.
Published on 16 June 2023
The sea surrounds Singapore and is fundamental to its existence as an entrepôt port – and its health supports our own lives. Project Reef Alert, active since 2004, is one of SMU’s student-led Overseas Community Service Projects that focuses on marine conservation and is a part of SMU’s commitment to sustainability efforts. It is one of SMU’s community service projects generously supported by donations from Equinix.
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The National Council of Social Service (NCSS) partnered with researchers at the SMU Lien Centre for Social Innovation for the study.
Published on 16 June 2023
SMU Study: Framework needed to raise the bar for quality volunteer experience Depending on the stage of life that they are at, volunteers can have starkly different resources, responsibilities, and even motivations. Hence, social service agencies (SSAs) need to learn more about volunteers and match their experiences and expectations to the volunteer tasks.
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Prof Lily Kong being conferred with the Soka Gakkai Singapore Friendship Award. L-R: SGS Vice General Director, Mr Michael Yap, Prof Kong, SGS General Director, Mr Tay Eng Kiat, SGS Chairperson, Mdm Chan Mei Wah.
Published on 16 June 2023
Twenty years of mutual support and understanding culminated on 29 May 2023, when SMU President Professor Lily Kong was conferred the esteemed Soka Gakkai Singapore (SGS) Friendship Award following the SGS Peace Lecture 2023.
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SMU hosts the Wee Kim Wee Soka International Seminar on Global Peace and Understanding annually.
Published on 17 April 2023
Each year, SMU hosts its annual Wee Kim Wee Soka International Seminar on Global Peace and Understanding. Held on 16 February 2023, this year’s event focused on the big questions explored by SMU’s Core Curriculum as they relate to wealth and poverty. It brought together academics, policymakers, practitioners, and observers from around the world to discuss new ways of thinking about how wealth and poverty influence our lives today.
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The award-winning movie Joyland was produced by SMU alumna Apoorva Charan.
Published on 17 April 2023
Life can sometimes take you down unexpected turns, and it is not uncommon to discover one's true calling along a road less travelled. Such was the experience of SMU alumna Apoorva Charan, who has carved out her own path as a film producer following her graduation.
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