SMU Engage

Innovation and Technology

A smart city where man and machines collaborate
Published on 12 July 2019
The NRF Investigatorship grant will support SMU Professor Archan Misra’s vision of a smart city where humans and devices work collaboratively on projects. SMU Professor Archan Misra has received a National Research Foundation (NRF) Investigatorship grant to develop new capabilities in ultra-low power sensing and embedded machine intelligence, which can catalyse innovative applications in smart cities, factories and buildings.
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New degrees to nurture future-ready computing talent
Published on 12 July 2019
With Globalisation 4.0 in motion, the waves of connectivity and digital transformation that it rides on are set to revolutionise the way we do things.
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Building a better world with blockchain
Published on 12 July 2019
From solving environmental woes to exposing corruption, the cryptography-linked technology can become a powerful catalyst for social change.
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The Campus as a laboratory
Published on 4 April 2019
Taking research out of the classroom and into the real world can yield commercial, social and educational value. One of the greatest challenges for any application developer is live testing – observing how their product functions in the real world, then refining it in line with user responses. Using universities and their communities as live “testbeds” can benefit not only academics and students, but society as a whole.
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