Effective CEO branding
The media phenomenon of the ‘celebrity CEO’ has been around for about 30 years. In recent decades, however, the coverage of CEOs has significantly increased in the media, many CEOs have also taken up the role as the ‘face’ of their corporations, personifying and embodying what their companies stand for.
Dr Gregor Halff is an Associate Professor of Corporate Communications at the Singapore Management University. In his research entitled ‘The Presentation of CEOs in Economic Downturn’, he studied how CEOs are presented in the media during down times, by examining media articles pertaining to the CEOs of 100 largest Western corporations published between 2007 and 2010.
In this podcast, Associate Professor Gregor Halff shares his views on what makes for an effective CEO branding strategy, as well as his insights on the differences in approach taken by companies in Asia versus those in the West.