Engaged City University

PM Wong discusses mega trends with Prof Lily Kong and students at SMU

Published on 22 July 2024
PM Lawrence Wong and SMU President Prof Lily Kong.
PM Lawrence Wong and SMU President Prof Lily Kong.

SMU was honoured to host Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, Mr Lawrence Wong, at an inspiring and insightful inaugural Dialogue with students from various Institutes of Higher Learning.

The event was jointly organised by SMU, the Institute of Policy Studies and Varsity Voices, a student-led inter-university group and drew nearly 1,000 students to the SMU Hall. PM Wong began by discussing domestic topics that are pertinent to today’s youth, such as the job market and the evolving global economic landscape. He also urged youths to look within themselves and follow their talents in deciding their career paths.

Speech by Prime Minister Lawrence Wong.

“We all have our own abilities and strengths — there is no need to compare with others, to squeeze into boxes we are not meant to fit.

“Instead, follow your talents and strive to reach your own full potential,” he said, sharing that the government is working towards refreshing Singapore’s social compact, and creating more opportunities for young people to purse their aspirations as well as they own definitions of success.

PM Wong also reminded the audience that it was unrealistic for them to expect to be instant stars in their chosen fields.

“Along the way you will very likely face some rejections and setbacks. But if you work hard to cultivate your own virtues and excel at what you do, you will see breakthroughs," he said.

Addressing student concerns

Following this discussion was a dynamic Question-and-Answer session which was moderated by SMU President Professor Lily Kong. Students eagerly posted many thoughtful questions to PM Wong, spanning topics such as the rise of Artificial Intelligence, housing concerns, Singapore’s open economy, and social mobility.

Dialogue with Prime Minister Lawrence Wong

Prof Kong kicked off the session by asking PM Wong what skills youths should develop for the future. In response, PM Wong urged youths to think about “mega trends” that will permeate global discourse in the coming years, and ride on these trends.

Among these “mega trends” he identified are digital technologies and artificial intelligence (AI), sustainability and the rise of Asia, which align directly with SMU’s strategic focus areas: Digital Transformation, Sustainable Living and Growth in Asia, where we have been working on making meaningful impact.

"Even if that is not your cup of tea, you can embrace technology, you can familiarise yourself with AI tools. This will apply to you regardless of what job you want to be in," he said.

"Think of AI as your co-worker, as your friend, as AI is something that will enable you to be a better human being and embrace that."

Other questions asked during this segment included issues of social inequality, mental illness, and issues pertaining to retirement.

PM Wong urged the youth to try and find meaning and purpose in what they do, and to continue to excel and grow.

“Hopefully, with that attitude and mindset, you will feel less of a pressure to compare with others,” he said. “You will feel less of a pressure in society at large, and we can all flourish and thrive in our own ways.”